sexual knowledge

08 Jul| 23 Comments
Discover and Savor the Emotional and Health Benefits of Sex

Sex is all about delight and pleasure, and it also encompasses emotional and physical intimacy. And did we mention that it feels fantastic! Besides inspiring countless films, songs, and novels, it is life-affirming and emotionally and socially a significant part of people’s lives.

What else does sex do for your body, mind, and emotions? It helps to lower blood pressure, supports heart health, burns calories, gently strengthens the muscles, and as if all this and orgasmic bliss weren’t enough, it reduces your risk of stroke, hypertension, and heart disease whether you are with your partner or Escort Firenze the benefits will remain same.

Undress for Health Success

Research shows that people who have good sex lives tend to set in place healthy diets and exercise more frequently than those who don’t have such pleasure in bed.

There is nothing like knowing that you’re going to be seen naked to inspire forgoing the whipped cream on a mocha latte to encourage one to swap it out for green tea. And being physically fit and flexible improves sexual performance, which is a win-win. In short, good sex inspires good health habits and being in good shape and excellent health enhances great sexual performance.

Better in Bed

Orgasmic satisfaction isn’t the only great thing that happens between the sheets when you knock boots. You also increase your levels of oxytocin, which has been called the “intimacy” or “love” hormone.

Experience an orgasm and other feel-good endorphins also rise. These hormones lead to better sleep since they contribute to greater relaxation and sedation. Better sleep helps you to enjoy a stronger immune system, and to feel energized and well-rested, and to experience more vitality in the day, which can perhaps lead to a longer lifespan.

Yes, Tonight Dear, I Don’t Want a Headache

There’s the joke that a partner withholds sex, saying “Not tonight, dear, I have a headache.” The opposite is, in fact, true. Sex can help protect you by providing relief from cluster and migraine headaches. Now, that’s a great pick-up line!

Doing It Does Great Things for Your Body

People who enjoy strong sexual relationships, enjoying sex at least once or twice a week, demonstrated higher immunoglobulin A, the antibody that plays a role in preventing diseases, in their saliva than those people who had infrequent love bouts. In short, sex is good for you! Sex counts as a light exercise and can bestow benefits for your body beyond the point of climax, although that point is to be fervently wished and appreciated.

Sex Gives Your Brain and Emotions a Buzz

Orgasms, with a lover or through self-pleasuring touch and toys, have the power to bestow psychological and emotional benefits. Going for the gusto and grabbing delight can decrease anxiety and stress while enhancing feelings of happiness, leading you to experience a warm glow of contentment.


Women thrive with great sex. Did you know that experiencing an orgasm releases pain-relieving chemicals and boosts blood flow? It also relieves premenstrual and menstrual cramping, supports stronger pelvic muscles, supports the production of vaginal lubrication, and aids in improving bladder control. As if that weren’t enough, it might also protect against endometriosis.

Ladies who continue to enjoy sex after menopause are less likely to have significant vaginal atrophy, and vaginal atrophy may be a cause of pain during sex, so that women who have sex regularly may discover that having it helps them to continue to enjoy it.


Under the heading of “use it or lose it,” guys who have more frequent sex show a decreased risk of developing prostate cancer so make sure to follow these sex tips for men. Men who experienced frequent orgasms had a 50 percent lower mortality risk than those who experienced sexual release less often. And there is research that indicates that the health and quality of sperm are enhanced through increased sexual activity.

Feel Fantastic

That special friction that feels so fine increases intimacy, trust, and love within relationships. It also helps you to identify, perceive, and express feelings, reduces psychological defense processes, diminishes emotional conflict, and increases your satisfaction with your mental health.

Pleasure in the bedroom enhances people’s well-being throughout their life span. Research shows that older adults who engaged in sexual activity exhibited better memory and enhanced overall health and happiness and were less likely to report feeling lonely and depressed. Just like younger people!

Look at You!

Good and frequent sex, whether solo or partnered, helps you to look amazing. This may be due to the release of estrogen. One study found a connection between frequent sexual activity and looking years younger.


Connect with your partner by making the beast that hath two backs. Sex unites couples, possibly because of creating increased oxytocin, which plays a part in emotional bonding. You might think of it as the chemical that cements relationships. Lovers often increase their satisfaction through fulfilling the other partner’s sexual desires. Bonding in bed is beautiful.

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