sexual knowledge

21 Jul| 23 Comments
How to rekindle the spark in your relationship | Mantang

The last decade has seen something of a sex toy explosion with a huge upswing in not just the amount of toys available but also the quality of toys and even the types of toys. As pleasure products become less taboo and more mainstream, they are also becoming more and more innovative. Entire categories of toys that used to not exist at all now account for a huge chunk of sex toy revenue. It used to be all about vibrators, different types dildos, butt plugs, and strokers but in recent history, those sex toy stalwarts have been joined by toys that thrust, toys that pulsate, and even toys that stimulate with air pressure. That last one is what we’re going to talk about today! 

Clitoral suction toys - aka clit suckers-- that use air pressure to create suction and stimulate the clitoris have taken the adult retail industry by storm. In the course of a few short years, we went from one clit sucker to multiple companies making multiple models with all types of features.  From the basic battery-operated plastic clit suction toy to luxurious, high-end, rechargeable silicone models packed with a whole bunch of features, a clit sucking vibrator offers something for just about anyone with a clitoris. 

Celebrated as one of the most innovative, effective, and downright orgasmic toys ever made, clit suckers have earned a reputation as powerful pleasure providers that lots of folks swear by. So let’s take a look at clit suckers! We’ll talk about what they are, how they work, how to pick the right one for you, and how to use them for optimum pleasure. So get ready, it’s time to learn all about clit suckers!

What Is A Clit Sucker?

Given the relative newness of this type of toy, there are probably folks out there who have no idea what we’re talking about. So let’s take some time to address this. What exactly do we mean when we say “clit sucker”?

A clit sucker is a sex toy that indirectly stimulates the clitoris using air pressure and sonic waves instead of the typical vibrating motor. In short they create a sensation that mimics awesome cunnilingus as well as deliver a completely unique sensation that, for many, is significantly more powerful than what one experiences with a vibrator. 

When we talk about clit suckers, there is almost always a comparison to cunnilingus. This can make it sound like clitoral suction sex toys are meant for solo play when a partner isn’t around. While that can totally be true, clit suckers can also be a fun addition to partnered sex. Like with most adult sex toys, you can use clit suckers for fun exploration in multiple sexual contexts.  

Countless amounts of couples complain about ‘losing the spark’ or losing the excitement in their relationship. Most people attribute it to the mere fact that they have grown apart or slowly changed individually with time. when the honeymoon phase is over, and the spark starts to fade many people worry that their relationship will soon meet its end. But nothing is lost, and nothing is wrong. Once the flame dies, the love can continue to grow on.

 Sex therapist Dr. Laura Berman says that sex should be prioritized in a relationship to feel connected with your partner as well as being open and upfront about your individual desires. So maybe you have been in a relationship for many years, and you feel disconnected intimately, or perhaps you work a full-time job, or your kids and parenthood is getting in the way of finding that bonding time with your significant other. So, lets analyze and uncover the possible causes / reasons for that spark fading and how to rekindle the bond that was once there.

Prioritize your partner and make time for each other.

 In modern dating, couples often struggle making time for each other and living in the present moment seldomly happens. Things are constantly moving and changing, and people forget to stop for a second and appreciate the people around them. They spend time in front of the tv or next to each other in the same room mesmerized by their phones instead of actual real one on one quality time. Whether that be debriefing on their day at work or discussing future plans together. You could even pull out that old board game you have shoved at the back of the cupboard and spend some quality time laughing and enjoying the old days when you used to do things like that.

Try something new together

A lot of the time couples lose that excitement in their relationships over the fact that they do not do exciting things together anymore. They fall into the habit of societal routine and find it extremely difficult to break out of.  A good way to break out of this routine is by going out and trying new things together. Try out a fun new activity together or go to that market you have always wanted to go to, maybe simply even just go for a long drive along the coastline. But getting out and spending that quality time together will remind you of how fun and exciting things used to be and how they could still be that way.

Spend time apart and find your individuality

Couples that have been together for a long time become dependent on each other and lose that sense of independence that they once had. By spending time apart, you will create that mystery that you found so intriguing in the beginning stages of your relationship. By maintaining a sense of separateness between the two of you, you will also be breaking out of that habitual routine that we previously spoke about, you will crave their presence more and instead of just having them around you will want and choose to spend more time around each other.

Discovering each other’s love languages

Everyone expresses and accepts love in different ways and coming to terms with your partners love language could make a huge difference in your relationship. The 5 love languages are as follows: gift giving, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, and physical touch. By becoming familiar with your partners love language you will be able to fulfil their needs and understand what makes them feel most loved by you. So, for example if their love language is gift giving, maybe every now and then surprise them with a bouquet of flowers. Or words of affirmation, give them daily reminders of what they mean to you. By learning more about their love languages you will learn how they need to be loved.


A key factor in any relationship is always communication. Consider stressing your concerns and feelings with your partner, and work on things together instead of fighting these thoughts on your own. And chances are your partner probably feels the same way you do. Instead of focusing solely on the negatives talk about the times and the things that are good in your relationship and the things that your partner does that excites you and makes you feel happy and loved. Talk about the things that you might want to introduce to your relationship, maybe its going away for a weekend every now and then or trying new things intimately in the bedroom but share ideas and try to find a common ground where you both feel comfortable. Most importantly be open minded to the fact that they may not be comfortable with some of the new things that you may want to try, and they may have some new ideas of their own.

Spice things up

Couples that have been together for a long period of time often find it difficult keeping things exciting in the bedroom. There are many ways you can spice things up intimately. Try setting the mood, maybe plan a romantic evening in with some wine and a bubble bath, treat your partner to an at home massage under the candlelight. Get dressed up and fulfil some of your partners fantasies with a sexy lingerie set and even consider introducing a sex toy that the both of you can enjoy. Most importantly communicate and become familiar with each other’s boundaries.


Although the honeymoon phase will never last forever and that spark may fade, by making time for each other you will bring back that chemistry and that fire that you and your partner once had in the beginning of your relationship, and it will grow bigger than before. Rebuilding that spark and that desire will not be easy but it will definitely all be worth it in the end.

How Does It Work?

How do clit suckers work? So glad you asked! Let’s get to that. 

These clitoral powerhouses usually feature a clit suction pad that generates deep waves of pressure. Clit suckers are unique in that, while most vibrators stimulate the external portion of the clitoris (the part you can see from the outside of the body), they deliver sonic pulses that penetrate and stimulate the entire clitoral structure. While this is going on, they also use suction to provide a sensation that can feel like being on the receiving end of cunnilingus. As if that weren’t awesome enough, some clitoral suction sex toys come with bonus features like g-spot stimulation, warming, or even vibration. All of this comes together to create a uniquely pleasurable experience. 

What Does A Clit Sucker Feel Like?

I’m going to be honest, the sensation provided by a clitoral suction device is unique and something that a lot of people don’t have a frame of reference for so it’s a bit tricky to describe but I will do my best. 

Most vibrators designed for clitoral stimulation stimulate the visible tip of the clitoris and what a lot of people don’t know is that the visible portion is such a small part of the clitoris! The bulk of the clitoris is housed inside the body and it’s HUGE. Now, while stimulating that visible tip can bring about orgasm, to understand clit suckers, it’s important to know that there is so much more orgasmic potential below the surface. 

Clitoral suction toys have the power to actually stimulate the entire clitors -- the visible tip and the whole structure that is located inside the body with deep, resonant vibration (similar to the feeling you get when you stand in front of really loud speakers, where you can feel the sound in your body). This can result in orgasms that are more intense and more of a “full body” experience than the ones that come from stimulating the external clitoris. 

The feeling of using a clit sucker is something you have to experience to understand but trust me when I tell you, it is a different, next-level sensation. 

All that said, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that while many users cite clit suckers as “holy grail” toys that can give absolutely anyone the most intense, powerful orgasms of their life, this isn’t totally true. As with really anything you try in life, some folks will love it, and other folks will not. If you try a clit sucker and don’t enjoy it, that’s okay. You are far and away, not the only one to feel that way. It’s just not the right clitoral stimulator toy for you, and there is nothing wrong with that. 

How To Choose A Clit Sucker?

Budget: What is your budget for this purchase? As there are clit suckers available for as little as $25 and as much as $300, there is something to fit just about every budget size!

Battery powered or rechargeable: Some folks prefer toys where they can change out the batteries, while others swear by rechargeables. Luckily there are plenty of options for both camps. If you are looking to save some money, you might look at battery-operated toys as they tend to be less expensive. If, however, you want to skip the hassle of replacing batteries, you will probably want a rechargeable clit sucking toy. 

Material: Clit suckers come in a whole variety of materials, from soft, nonporous, easy-to-clean silicone to hard, sleek, smooth ABS plastic to colorful, versatile TPE or TPR. Choose the material that appeals to you visually, physically, and in terms of upkeep.

Nozzle: Most of the things on this list apply to just about any toy purchase, but this one is very specific to clitoral suction toys. The nozzles on clit suckers run the gamut from firm to squishy, from smooth to ridged, and from large to small. Some even come with multiple nozzle options that you can change at will, while others feature a little tongue that pokes out of the nozzle to facilitate the “cunnilingus-like” experience. You have a lot of options here, so check them out!

Size& Shape: Clit suckers come in all sorts of sizes and shapes. Whether you want something the size of a standard clit vibrator or something that fits in the palm of your hand, there’s something for you. If you are fine with something that is easily identifiable as a sex toy or if you would prefer something a little more discreet, perhaps in the shape of a flower or cute animal, you have options. 

Features: Do you want to add vibration, penetration, G-spot stimulation, or a flicking sensation to your clitoral suction? There are clit suckers that do those things. In fact, clitoral suction toys now come with more features than ever. Whether you want to control your clit sucker toy (or have your partner control it) via an app or have your clit sucker warm up, or even have clitoral suction when using a strapless strap-on, these are all things you can have. These days, clitoral suction is just the beginning, so do yourself a favor and consider the (many) features available to you. 

That all might feel like a lot to think about, but by taking some time to consider these factors, you will take a big step towards finding the right clit sucker for you. Remember, it’s not about finding the universally recognized perfect toy. It's about finding the toy that is perfect for you, the one that will bring you the most pleasure possible. After all, is that not the point of sex toys?  

How to use a clit sucker?

When it comes to using a clit sucker (or any sex toy, really), you want to make your experience as enjoyable as possible. Here are some steps you can take to make the absolute most of your clitoral suction experience. 

Do some prep: First things first, you want to be comfortable and relaxed, so spend some time creating a sexy, soothing atmosphere. Dim the lights, fire up some candles, put on some sexy music, and maybe even try my go-to, a sensual hot bath. Whatever you do, please in the name of pleasure, make sure you have the space and environment that allows you to let go and enjoy the experience. 

Foreplay: Typically, I don’t love separating sexual activity into “foreplay” and “actual sex,” but, when you are playing with a clit sucking toy, it can be helpful to have some, you know, play that comes before you press the power button. What we mean by foreplay is going to vary for everyone. Massage, porn, making out, whatever it is that turns you on, take the time to do it. 

Start slow: Once you are ready to get down to it, start off slow. Use the toy's lowest air pressure setting and hold it close to your clitoris. Remember, the stimulation here is supposed to be indirect, so don’t place it ON your clitoris. Instead, keep a little distance between the clit sucking vibrator toy and your body. Play with the angle until you find something that feels good.

Explore the different air pressure settings: Once you’ve found your perfect angle and distance, you can try increasing the air pressure. Most models have multiple pressure modes, and as you adjust the settings, you will feel different levels of sonic pulses. Find the perfect suction level for you. Listen to your body. 

Make sure it feels good: As I mentioned earlier, while many people love, love, love their clit suckers, they may not be right for everyone. If using the clit sucker toy feels uncomfortable or painful, add some lube, change the setting, adjust the angle, or stop entirely. Remember, using a sex toy should never be an unpleasant experience. If you are uncomfortable or in pain, this might now be the right toy for you. 

Play with different features: If your particular clit suckers have features like vibration, flicking, warming, or anything else, now’s the time to try those out! See what the extra features add to your experience. Mix and match the features with your suction settings to find your orgasmic bliss. 

Enjoy! Seriously, here’s where you get to enjoy the sensations your clit sucker delivers and, eventually, (sometimes in a LOT less time than you would think) have an orgasm.  

Clean up: This is not the most fun part of sex toy use, but, as with any toy, when you are done enjoying your clit sucker, you want to clean it properly (check your manufacturer’s instructions) and put it away until you are ready to do it all over again.

That’s the story on clit suckers! Exploring this exciting, growing clitoral vibrator toy category can also lead to all sorts of fun and pleasure. Take the time to find the right clitoral suction toy for you and ride those waves of pleasure. Not sure where to start? Try Pink Cherry! Our huge selection of clit suckers has something for everyone!   

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