Industry News

19 Sep| 23 Comments
In Italy, passengers were given the opportunity to buy sex toys before departure

A vending machine selling vibrators, lubricants and condoms has appeared at Naples airport in Italy. Terminal passengers told the Daily Star about this.

It is noted that before departure, travelers can pay for sex toys both in cash and by card. At the same time, tourists were given the opportunity to purchase more than 30 types of lubricants and contraceptives, as well as various toys for adults worth from 55 to 65 pounds (from 3.7 thousand to 4.4 thousand rubles).

It is reported that the opinions of vacationers about the vending machine were divided. Some said it was a great idea. Now during the screening, travelers do not have to take out their sex toys and put them on the tape,says 51-year-old Bernie Mullan.

At the same time, other tourists are sure that this device is not needed at the airport. Italians are more open about the issue of sex, I dont think it is appropriate in the family circle,” “And if a child thinks that this is a childs toy and dials the code, this will lead to awkward conversations,they wrote on social networks.

Previously, the guy ordered boat parts from an online store and found four sex toys in the package. It turned out that by mistake he printed out the order of the mother who bought the vibrators.

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